As a sustainability consultancy, we have made it our mission to find solutions to the challenges of our age. In doing so, we focus on topics in which we can make the biggest difference and use our expertise to show companies the way to a sustainable future. Our interdisciplinary team addresses the topic of sustainability from different angles to develop holistic strategies and provide you and your company with the best possible advice. Together we work towards our shared goal of a just and climate-friendly world.



“Sustainability means ensuring, within the scope of my possibilities, an environment that is worth living in and has a promising future for future generations. In this sense, it is our task to align all activities accordingly and to take meaningful measures for this. As a family business owner, I do not see my responsibility as being limited to my own measures, but also in taking others along with me on this path. Fokus Zukunft is the perfect platform for this.”
Rainer Scharr
Managing Director
“The biggest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.”
David Schweizer
Managing Director
“My motivation is to create a better world. In the words of Boris Pasternak: ‘What we do today decides what the world will be like tomorrow.’”
Janina Lang
“The world changes through role models, not through opinions. We want to be a role model for balanced, holistic and future-oriented sustainability.”
Lena Scharr
“Let’s work together to build a fairer and more sustainable economy. Recycling and upcycling to minimise our ecological footprint!”
Dr. Michael M. Obermeier
Manager | Senior Sustainability Consultant
“For me, sustainability means taking responsibility for our resources and finding solutions that will work both today and in the future. It is about showing ways in which we can balance ecological, social and economic interests.”
Sibylle Zavala
Cluster Lead Sustainability
“Businesses have the most leverage to promote a livable future. I therefore enjoy being a full-time influencer and companion for solutions within planetary boundaries and social justice.”
Thomas Ungefug
Senior Sustainability Consultant
“True to Hermann Gmeiner’s motto ‘Don’t talk, do something!’, I want to use my know-how and time to preserve our planet for future generations.”
Christine Maderspacher
Senior Sustainability Consultant
“In my view, sustainability essentially means living a balanced life with responsibility for people and nature. I firmly believe that a viable future will require not only intelligent technologies, but also a greater sense of cohesion, compassion and courage at all levels! I am personally committed to these goals, also in my work for Fokus Zukunft.”
Julia Scherbaum
Senior Sustainability Consultant (on parental leave)
“Sustainability is not just an option, but the only way to a future worth living.”
Anna Sofia Pisani
Sustainability Consultant
“Sustainability is the key to a livable future. Let’s work together and look forward to transforming the world sustainably and creating a positive future for all.”
Cornelius Conder
Sustainability Consultant
“I burn for one idea: to burn less! I want to do my part as a sustainability consultant to ensure that the earth is in a better state after me, not a worse one.”
Rumyana Ergül
Sustainability Consultant
“For me, sustainability means holistic thinking and in a practical sense: “Everyone can do something for our planet, our environment and our fellow human beings, and they can do it today”. Be it in a private or professional context – we can all contribute to a more sustainable world with our commitment.”
Theresa Janke
Sustainability Consultant
“What we do today decides what the world will be like tomorrow.” (Boris Pasternak) To me, sustainability means thinking holistically. It means thinking about the impact our actions can have on our family, children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, fellow human beings, our environment today and in the future.
Lena Endres
Sustainability Consultant & Account Manager
“To me, sustainability means creating a climate-friendly approach to the finite nature of resources in order to protect the world for future generations.”
Sara Parhoun
Sustainability Consultant
“Sustainability begins with each one of us. It is important to check our own actions regularly and to make adjustments where necessary.”
Marion Schuster
Sustainability Consultant
“It’s easy to feel powerless when thinking about climate change. I’m motivated by the motto ‘Think globally, act locally’ – we can all do our part to solve it.”
Jessica Sieber
Sustainability Consultant
“For me, sustainability is much more than just preserving the status quo. It’s about making a positive and regenerative impact through my actions. The transition to a lower-emission economy not only offers the opportunity to rethink other environmental aspects, but also to positively influence them. A holistic approach is essential.”
Gianluca Vassallo
Sustainability Consultant
“With my background in biology and agriculture, I think first of all of biodiversity as the basis for sustainable development, because we cannot live without intact ecosystems. However, diversity can also be thought of in a social and economic context and is my drive for a colorful future with enough resources also for the next generations!”
Marnie Schmidt
Sustainability Consultant
“What we do today will determine what the world looks like in the future.”
Rebekka Schweizer
Sustainability Consultant
“Every person can make a big difference to sustainability through small everyday decisions and thus make a valuable contribution to preserving our planet. Companies can do the same and should be pioneers in this respect. And that’s exactly where I want to support you!”
Anja Breyer
Junior Sustainability Consultant
“Sustainability is climate protection, social justice and a long-term healthy economy. In such a broad spectrum of topics, it represents an overwhelming challenge for all of us, and at the same time one of the most exciting opportunities for change. After all, a sustainable path is the only logical way forward.”
Fenja Birkhofer
Junior Sustainability Consultant
“Sustainability is not an option, it’s a must – there is enough evidence to prove it. The question is therefore not whether we should do something, but how. I am convinced that, in addition to politics, business also plays a decisive role in shaping the future. In my advisory role, I want to use my personal influence in the best possible way to help you and your company shape a sustainable future.”
Simon Wagner
Junior Sustainability Consultant
“We inherited nature from our parents. But we have also borrowed it from our children.” This is a Richard von Weizsäcker quote that inspires me personally at Fokus Zukunft.”
Verena Friess
Manager Finance, Controlling & Administration
“For me, sustainability means taking responsibility – both for the environment and for society. I want to be involved in projects that have a positive impact on future generations. It motivates me to have the opportunity to actively shape a future worth living.”
Emily Schicke
Account Manager
“For me, sustainability means using the earth’s resources respectfully and conscientiously. Future generations should also be able to experience the beauty of our earth.”
Lena Otto
Account Manager
“A fresh mindset is absolutely essential – so let’s do it together!”
Gregory Endres
Senior Sales Manager
“To me, sustainability means making choices today that ensure future generations enjoy the same, if not a better, quality of life as we do. Clear messages about this in communications are critical to creating awareness and driving positive change.”
Christina Schäferkord
Senior Brand & Communication Consultant
“Sustainability can be found in all areas of life. In order to maintain your own drive despite this complexity, I believe that even small, conscious steps are crucial. Through clear communication, I want to simplify the topic and make it accessible to more people.”
Julia Jahn
Marketing & Communications Consultant
“We can only navigate a sustainable path into the future if everyone grasps the essence of what the word means. Communication is the connecting link between people and this vision of sustainability. Only by communicating openly, consistently and simply will we be able to make a difference collectively.”
Tatjana Rumszauer
Marketing & Communication Consultant (on parental leave)
“We have only this one Earth, so future generations should be able to enjoy her as well.”
Andreas Allihn
Carbon Offsetting Specialist
“To quote Arleen Lorrance: ‘Be the change you want to see in the world’. That prompts me to roll up my sleeves wherever I can make a difference – and there’s a heck of a lot of ways to do just that. Follow my lead to achieve the change that we truly need!”
Dr. Gregor Weber
Senior Expert & Cooperation Partner
Sustainability means future viability. Natural resources, employee capacities and financial resources are finite – a sustainable strategy and consistent strategy implementation are therefore key tasks of entrepreneurial management.
Dr. Stefan Grimm
Senior Expert & Cooperation Partner
“CO₂ reduction is not everything, but everything is nothing without it. I am delighted that our team can support you in professional calculations of your carbon footprint, climate strategy development and reliable climate neutralisation at your company. Let’s get started – the clock is ticking!”
Apu Gosalia
Sales Partner
“I have the same motivation as Hermann Hesse: To achieve what is possible, we must attempt the impossible again and again.”
Frank Kronenberg
Sales Partner
“The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.” – Paulo Coelho
Christian Lutz
Sales Partner
“What motivates me afresh every day? Thomas Alva Edison’s motto: “It is better to proceed imperfectly than to procrastinate perfectly”.
Andrea Meier
Sales Partner
“Reduction or offsetting are the only options until we develop the technology to do something about climate change. I am committed to getting as many companies involved as possible. For us and especially for my children’s generation.”
Jens Polumsky
Sales Partner
“Einstein once described the purest form of madness as leaving everything as it is but still hoping that something will change. We are the generation that can (still) make a vital difference in regard to climate change. So we need to stop lamenting and focus on climate-neutral strategies.”
Gerhard Zirsch, M.A.
Sales Partner
“Social sustainability is an important aspect of the overall issue for me in HR. I mainly interpret it to mean the creation of equal opportunities. That’s what I work towards every day.”
Claudia Konetzka
HR Manager


Sustainability is important in every sector. That’s why we show companies from very different sectors how to embrace more sustainable business practices. Whether it’s at the individual sites, in production or in services – we inspire, promote fresh mindsets and are agents for change. It is a pleasure for us to watch how our customers grow and succeed as they shape a more sustainable future in tomorrow’s world.


DMG Mori
From the raw material to delivery – climate-neutral machinery production
Meyer Hosen
Reduction and compensation of greenhouse gas emissions for climate-neutral fashion production